World is Geometry. Life is Music. God, You Are. 1111

Sacred Geometry, Numerology and Power Places

flower of life

The Secret of Sacred Geometry: The Divine Imprint in the Fabric of Existence

There is a secret hidden in the folds of the cosmos, a mystery as ancient as time itself. This secret, whispered through the ages by sages and visionaries, is sacred geometry. It is not merely a collection of numbers and shapes; it is the key to deciphering the divine order that permeates the universe. Through the language of sacred geometry, creation unveils its deepest truths, weaving a golden thread that connects the stars, nature, and the human heart.

The Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio: Codes of the Divine

Imagine a secret code that repeats everywhere you look: in the petals of a flower, the spirals of a shell, and distant galaxies. This is the language of the Fibonacci sequence, a numerical progression that traces the footprints of the divine in nature.

The Fibonacci sequence begins with the numbers 0 and 1, and each subsequent number is the sum of the two preceding ones: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on. This pattern generates proportions that increasingly approach the golden ratio, represented by φ (≈1.618). The golden ratio evokes universal beauty and harmony, evident in shells, tree branches, galaxies, and even the proportions of the human body.

The ancients understood that these codes were not random but were the Creator’s signature. They called it the “breath of God” and used it to craft works that could bridge heaven and earth.

Numerology and Sacred Geometry: The Power of Numbers

Numerology, like sacred geometry, is a universal language that reveals the secrets of the cosmos through the symbolism of numbers. Each number carries a unique vibration and meaning, reflected in the proportions and symbols of sacred geometry.

  • The number 1 represents unity and the origin of all things.

  • The number 3 is associated with the trinity, creation, and balance.

  • The number 6 is often connected to perfection and harmony, as seen in the hexagon of the “Flower of Life.”

  • The number 7, sacred in many traditions, is seen as the bridge between the divine and the earthly.

  • The number 9 symbolizes completion and divine wisdom. In numerology, it embodies spiritual perfection and universal vibration, reflecting the energy that unites heaven and earth.

Sacred geometry employs these numbers to create forms that amplify spiritual and harmonic energies. Sacred sites, like pyramids or cathedrals, often incorporate these numbers into their designs, resonating with universal vibrations.

The Flower of Life: The Matrix of Creation

In a silent place, immersed in meditation, the ancients discovered a figure that contained all the secrets of creation: the “Flower of Life.” This symbol, composed of perfectly intertwined circles, is not merely a design. It is the language of the soul, a portal to infinity.

The “Flower of Life” also represents cellular division, the fundamental process through which life is generated. The overlapping spheres mirror the cells as they divide and multiply, creating new forms of life. This process forms the basis of our physical reality: every living being is born from this geometric dance.

Interestingly, the form generated by cellular division symbolically resembles a vagina, a sacred portal that represents the matrix of the third dimension. Through this division, life manifests in all its forms, revealing the perfection of sacred geometry.

It is said that the “Flower of Life” allows access to the codes of reality itself. Within it are the sacred forms of everything that exists: the cube of Metatron, the tetrahedron, and even the golden spiral. It is no coincidence that this symbol was carved into the temples of ancient Egypt and other spiritual power spots worldwide.

Ancient Temples, Sacred Geometry, and Power Places

The ancients knew that the earth itself is traversed by invisible energy lines, now known as ley lines. These points of intersection between ley lines, often called energy vortices, are areas where the energy is particularly intense. It is at these places, where vibrations are elevated, that they built their temples, pyramids, and sacred monuments.

These places, known as power places, are not chosen randomly. Energy vortices amplify the connection between earth and the cosmos, creating natural portals through which one can access higher spiritual dimensions. The Bovis scale, a tool used to measure energy vibrations, shows that these sites emit energies far higher than those in ordinary environments.

The concept of Kundalini energy is not limited to individuals; it also applies to the planet Earth. Just as human beings have chakras—vital energy centers along the spine—so does the Earth. These planetary chakras are believed to be located in specific sacred sites around the globe, acting as energetic nodes that connect the Earth’s life force with the cosmos. Examples include Mount Shasta in the USA, considered the root chakra of the planet, and Glastonbury in the UK, often associated with the heart chakra.

Like our own chakras, the Earth’s energy centers can become blocked due to environmental destruction, collective negativity, or imbalances in human activity. These blockages can disrupt the planet’s energy flow, mirroring the effects of blocked chakras in individuals.

Activating the Earth’s Kundalini energy and clearing its chakras often requires intentional spiritual practices carried out by groups or individuals attuned to the planet’s needs. These practices might include meditations, rituals, or ceremonies performed in these sacred locations to harmonize the Earth’s energy.

When the Earth’s Kundalini energy is activated, it not only enhances the planet’s vibrational harmony but also influences the collective consciousness of humanity. This is because the energy systems of the Earth and all living beings are interconnected. By supporting the activation of the Earth’s chakras, we contribute to global healing and spiritual evolution, aligning ourselves with a higher purpose and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

Experiences in Sacred Places

People who visit these places often report extraordinary experiences: sensations of profound peace, spiritual connection, and even physical healings. For example:

  • Lourdes, France: This famous sanctuary is renowned for miraculous healings. Numerous testimonies recount individuals finding relief from incurable illnesses after immersing themselves in the sacred spring.

  • Machu Picchu, Peru: Many visitors describe a sense of spiritual elevation and a connection to ancient wisdom while walking among its ruins.

  • Stonehenge, England: This enigmatic site is associated with deep meditations and mystical visions, thanks to its location on powerful ley lines.

Why Is the Energy Stronger in These Places?

The sacred geometry used in the construction of these places amplifies the natural energy of the sites. Ancient temples, Gothic cathedrals, and stone circles are designed to channel and concentrate vibrations, making power places spaces of spiritual transformation.

These places act as bridges between the material and spiritual worlds, and their elevated energy can facilitate altered states of consciousness. People who visit these sites often report transcendence, spiritual awakenings, and a sense of inner healing.

Nature: The Mirror of Divine Mystery

Look at a blooming flower or the perfect spirals of a shell: sacred geometry is everywhere. Every petal, every curve is a symbol of the divine, a visible manifestation of the invisible.

Snowflakes, with their unique yet perfectly symmetrical forms, speak of hidden order. Distant galaxies arrange themselves in spirals that echo the same golden ratio pattern. This is no coincidence: it is a message inviting us to remember that everything is connected.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sacred Geometry

1. What is sacred geometry, and why is it important?

Sacred geometry reveals the universe’s intrinsic order through patterns and shapes. It connects the microcosm (cells) and macrocosm (galaxies).

2. How can I use sacred geometry in daily life?

Meditate on symbols like the “Flower of Life,” incorporate harmonious designs into spaces, and align with positive vibrations.

3. What is the spiritual meaning of the “Flower of Life”?

It symbolizes the unity of creation and the connection between material and spiritual realms.

4. Is sacred geometry relevant today?

Yes, architects and artists use it to create harmony and inspire spiritual connection.

5. Why is it found in nature?

Nature organizes itself through these patterns, revealing a divine blueprint.

6. What is the connection between sacred geometry and sacred places?

Many ancient temples, pyramids, churches, and sacred sites were built following the principles of sacred geometry. These proportions amplify the energy of the place, creating a portal between the earthly and spiritual worlds.


Sacred geometry invites us to align with the universe’s design, revealing our role in something infinitely greater. Its symbols are gateways to mystery and transformation.

The secret of sacred geometry is still here, safeguarded in sacred places, ancient symbols, and nature itself. It is a reminder that the universe is a divine masterpiece, and we are part of this infinite creation.

If you listen closely, you can hear its whisper: it is the invitation to discover your connection to the whole, to explore the mystery, and to awaken the ancient wisdom within you.

cellular division
sacred geometry

If you’re looking for more information about sacred geometry and its profound significance, we recommend visiting the In2Infinity Project page:, a comprehensive resource for exploring this fascinating topic.

For a deeper understanding of the power of sacred places and energy vortexes, we highly recommend the YouTube interviews and books by Freddy Silva, available here: Freddy Silva’s Books on Amazon.

If you’d like to receive free transmissions to activate sacred geometry (e.g., Merkabah), you can explore our offerings here:

If you wish to personally experience the magic and transformative power of sacred sites, take a look at our next spiritual journey here:

Let the power of sacred geometry and sacred sites guide you on your path to alignment and higher understanding!

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