You are the One Who is Responsible for Creation

Initiatic Knowledge and Manifestation

markabah, angels, Elohim, spiritual dimensions, law of creation, kybaltion, mystery teachings, initiatory journeys, initiatic knowledge, law of attraction, andromedans

What Are Dimensions ?

In spirituality, dimensions are often misunderstood as physical or astral places. People might say, “I want to reach the fifth dimension” or “the planet is moving into the fifth dimension.” In reality, dimensions are not destinations but perspectives—frameworks for understanding the nature of existence.

A dimension arises when we divide a single entity into parts to study it better. These divisions allow us to perceive reality in different ways. Access to various dimensions is always in the present moment; it doesn’t depend on physical location—whether you are on Earth, Sirius, or elsewhere.

Some environments or physical forms, such as more evolved energetic bodies, may facilitate access to higher dimensions. However, the key lies in expanding awareness and perception.

The Dimensions Explained:

  • First Dimension: This is the understanding of unity. It represents the awareness that everything is interconnected—you are one with all that surrounds you.

  • Second Dimension: The dimension of duality, where opposites like positive and negative exist. This duality introduces the concepts of space and time.

  • Third Dimension: Here, space and time collapse to create the possibility for unity to observe itself externally, enabling self-reflection and physical experience.

  • Fourth Dimension: This dimension represents the frequency of manifestation, or time. It’s the process by which events unfold cyclically, with higher frequencies accelerating this process.

  • Fifth Dimension: Known as the dimension of awareness, it holds the record of all experiences, often referred to as the Akashic records.

  • Sixth Dimension: This is the realization of being the creator of your reality, empowering transformation on all levels.

  • Seventh Dimension: The dimension of actual transformation. It’s where frequencies (like archangels) resonate powerfully across the universe.

  • Eighth Dimension: Representing eternity and infinity, this dimension converges all timelines and experiences, creating a unified field of existence.

  • Ninth Dimension: The divine dimension of total understanding—the awareness of the whole. It embodies the profound truth of “I AM.”

As the cycle completes, the ninth dimension transitions into a new beginning, referred to as the tenth dimension, continuing the spiral of evolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does it mean to access a higher dimension?
Accessing a higher dimension refers to expanding your awareness and perception. It’s not about physically traveling but shifting your consciousness to experience reality from a higher vibrational perspective.

2. Can everyone access higher dimensions?
Yes, everyone has the potential to access higher dimensions. It requires expanding your consciousness through practices like meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual alignment.

3. How can I know which dimension I’m experiencing?
Our experience is often multidimensional. However, the dimension you resonate with most depends on your vibrational frequency and level of awareness.

4. What happens when the planet transitions to a higher dimension?
When the planet’s collective energy shifts to a higher dimension, it raises the vibrational field for all inhabitants. This can lead to personal and global transformations, as well as challenges in adapting to new frequencies.

5. Are there only nine dimensions?
No, the dimensions are theoretically infinite. What we describe as nine dimensions represents a framework for understanding cycles of consciousness.

6. What happens in higher dimensions like the seventh or ninth?
In higher dimensions, the focus shifts from personal experience to universal awareness. The seventh dimension involves transformative creation, while the ninth embodies unity and divine understanding.

7. How are dimensions related to time?
Time is perceived differently in each dimension. In higher dimensions, time becomes less linear and more fluid, experienced as an eternal present.

8. How can I integrate higher dimensions into daily life?
You can integrate higher dimensions by practicing mindfulness, raising your vibration through positive thoughts and actions, and staying connected to your inner guidance.

What Are the 7 Laws of Creation?

The universe operates under inescapable laws that govern existence. These laws originate in the seventh dimension, the dimension of the enlightened ones, and can be summarized as “The Universe is Mind.” For our understanding, this single universal law is divided into seven principles, each associated with one of our main chakras. These principles align closely with the teachings of The Kybalion, a foundational text of Hermetic philosophy that outlines the Seven Hermetic Principles:

1. The Law of Mentalism – Crown Chakra

Quick answer: this law aligns with the Hermetic Principle of Mentalism: “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” Everything begins with thought. Your mind emits vibrational waves that shape your reality. To manifest desires, you must align your thoughts with the vibration of already having what you seek. 

The first Law is thus the mind, associated with the crown chakra, and we call it the law of mentalism. This is the first law of the universe, which creates everything else, and it states “all that you experience is what you think”. The mind is the vibration of what you are, hence the vibratory waves that spread around your body. If, for example, you tell yourself “I want a beautiful house”, the waves you spread around will be those of need “I want”, so you will experience the need but not the possession! This is why it’s said that if you wish to manifest something, you must imagine and perceive in every cell of your being the vibration of already having what you desire. Be what you think, and always think in the present, because for the universe, the future does not exist, time is an illusion, everything actually happens at the same moment, just at different frequencies, and because mentalism is what you are right now!

2. The Law of Correspondence – Third Eye Chakra

Quick answer: “As above, so below; as within, so without.” This Hermetic Principle mirrors the universal law of correspondence. Your internal state reflects your external reality. What you cultivate within manifests in the world around you.

The second law is related to the third eye and is that of correspondence, which says “you are outside, what you are inside, or, as in heaven so on earth. Whatever you create inside, will also be created outside of you and vice versa, thus all the information you see outside of you also influences what you are inside!

3. The Law of Vibration – Throat Chakra

Quick answer: Aligned with the Hermetic Principle of Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Everything in existence is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. Sound is the primordial creative force—“In the beginning was the Word.” Pay attention to both your thoughts and words, as they shape your reality.

Then we have the third law, that of vibration, hence the sound of creation, which is associated with the throat chakra. The word, the sound, is indeed the first thing to exist in the universe, even the Bible says “And God said”, it’s the verb that creates light! Thus, everything you see will be the expression of the sound at the beginning of your creation. So, pay attention to how you think but also to how you say things…abracadabra!

4. The Law of Rhythm – Heart Chakra

Quick answer: This corresponds to the Hermetic Principle of Rhythm: “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides.” All things move in cycles. Just as a heartbeat rises and falls, life’s rhythms alternate between highs and lows. Embracing this rhythm helps navigate challenges and appreciate growth.

The fourth law is that of rhythm, associated with the heart chakra. Rhythm teaches you that everything in the universe has its own time to exist, imagine the graph of a heartbeat, the wave rises and then falls, then rises and falls again. Be aware that when the vibrational frequency is lower, the time to complete a cycle, a process, is longer and vice versa (this is the rhythm of the universe). That’s why things that feel heavy, at a low frequency, seem to last longer than lighter, high-frequency, beautiful things. If you live in heaviness, and thus vibrate at a low frequency, you cannot ask the universe to change your life in a day! You must first work to raise your inner frequency and make everything faster. On the other hand, if the frequency you live in is too high, events will unfold so quickly that you won’t have time to understand what’s happening, and thus you will no longer feel in harmony with everything. A planet Earth increasing its vibrational frequencies, influencing the energy field and thus the vibration we all find ourselves in, can mean continuous and sudden changes, a general acceleration of events, even at a technological level, and if we are not deeply prepared to understand and integrate these changes, we will feel lost and detached, in disharmony with ourselves and with what surrounds us. This is called a crisis! And that’s why the famous spiritual awakening, an elevation of one’s frequencies, often happens during a crisis!

5. The Law of Cause and Effect – Solar Plexus Chakra

Quick answer: Mirroring the Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” Every action creates a reaction. Your vibrations influence your reality, and the effects you experience stem from the energy you emit. Align your thoughts, words, and actions to create harmony.

The fifth law is linked to the solar plexus chakra, and it’s the law of cause and effect. This law says that your vibration and rhythm influence what happens in your life. If you emit a low frequency, everything that comes back to you will be of low frequency. Everything that comes back to you is indeed an effect of what you caused, so when something happens to you, ask yourself when it all started! Remember though, that the past influences the present and the future, which are simply at other frequencies, but also the future influences the present and the past. And the present influences the past and the future! The matter is slightly more complicated than the human brain can comprehend… So how do I get out of it? The only thing you can do is be the best version of yourself at all times. And what is the best version? It’s when you are consistent with yourself, i.e., when your thoughts are in alignment with also what you say, what you do and what you feel!

6. The Law of Polarity – Sacral Chakra

Quick answer: Aligned with the Hermetic Principle of Polarity: “Everything is Dual; everything has poles.” Polarity is the engine of creation, enabling movement and transformation. Embrace both ends of the spectrum to harness your greatest potential.

The sixth law is that of polarity, linked to the sacral chakra. The law of actual material creation, which says that everything has a negative and a positive pole. In reality, polarity is not negative but helps you to constantly go from one pole to the other, allowing and maintaining movement, hence creation. We are made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons, thus negative and positive poles, which unite to create DNA. Polarity or separation is thus something that actually unites us, creates us. The first trauma we experience in our lives is precisely the biological one, due to the separation of our cells. This is a necessary trauma, because for creation to continue to manifest and evolve, we must continuously go from one pole to the other, nature itself tells us this. After reaching one pole, you will then have to return to the other. The peak of a mountain represents the beginning of the descent, so don’t be in too much of a hurry and enjoy the process! Moreover, the negative pole helps you reach the positive one. Imagine jumping on a trampoline, the more you bend and sink down, the more you’ll be able to jump up afterward. So, the biggest crises we fall into also represent our greatest opportunities for elevation!

7. The Law of Generation – Root Chakra

Quick answer: This corresponds to the Hermetic Principle of Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles.” Creation is constant. Energy never dies; it transforms. This law reminds us that we are creators of new realities every moment.

The seventh law is linked to the root chakra, and it’s the law of generation. Everything is created, generated according to the law of polarity. Everything is destroyed to be recreated, nothing ever dies, energy never vanishes into nothing, everything is constantly transformed. And we are also generating new realities every second of our existence!

The Initiatic Path – Becoming the Alchemist

Understanding these laws intellectually is only the first step. The true path involves embodying these principles to unlock their transformative power. This is the ancient Initiatic Path of the alchemist—the magician who transforms matter and reality by mastering the universal laws. As taught in Hermetic philosophy, mastery over these principles leads to spiritual enlightenment and alignment with the Divine Mind.

The enlightened ones and ascended masters remind us: We are responsible for our own creation. By aligning our thoughts, emotions, and actions, we become the creators of a harmonious and elevated reality. Are you ready to embrace your role as the alchemist of your life?

Why Doesn’t the Law of Attraction Always Work?

The Law of Attraction is one of the most well-known universal laws, yet many struggle to manifest their desires. This often happens because they are unaware of the interconnected nature of all 7 Laws of Creation. To manifest successfully, alignment with all universal laws is essential. Here are common reasons the Law of Attraction doesn’t seem to work:

  1. Misaligned Thoughts and Emotions: If your thoughts and emotions are not congruent, the energy you emit is scattered, preventing clear manifestation.

  2. Ignoring the Other Laws: The Law of Attraction doesn’t operate in isolation. For instance, failing to align with the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Rhythm can block your efforts.

  3. Low Vibrational Frequency: Manifestation requires a high vibrational state. Negative emotions, limiting beliefs, or unresolved trauma lower your frequency, creating resistance.

  4. Lack of Patience: The Law of Rhythm reminds us that everything has its own timing. Impatience disrupts the natural flow of creation.

  5. Not Taking Action: The Law of Generation requires action. Manifestation isn’t just mental; it’s a co-creative process involving effort in the physical realm.

Frequently Asked Questions About Manifestation

1. Why doesn’t the Law of Attraction work for me?
Manifestation often fails when there’s a misalignment between your thoughts, emotions, and actions. It’s essential to address limiting beliefs, raise your vibration, and align with all 7 Laws of Creation.

2. Do I need to understand all 7 laws to manifest?
While understanding isn’t mandatory, alignment with the principles is crucial. For example, ignoring the Law of Cause and Effect or the Law of Rhythm can hinder your manifestations.

3. How can I raise my vibration to manifest better?
Practice gratitude, meditation, and self-care. Focus on positive thoughts and release negative patterns that lower your frequency.

4. How do I know if my manifestation is working?
Signs include synchronicities, intuitive nudges, and gradual progress toward your goal. Trust the process and stay patient.

5. Can I manifest anything I want?
Yes, but only if it’s in alignment with your highest good and you’re fully aligned with the universal laws. Sometimes, what we desire isn’t what serves our growth best.

6. How does the Law of Cause and Effect influence manifestation?
Every action has a consequence. Ensure your actions are in harmony with your goals to create the desired effects.

7. What role does patience play in manifestation?
Patience aligns with the Law of Rhythm. Everything unfolds in its own time. Trust that delays are often part of the process.

8. Can I manifest for others?
You can influence energy, but each person’s free will and alignment with the laws ultimately determine their reality. Focus on your own vibration and intentions.

Kabbalah: A Key to Esoteric Knowledge

Introduction to Kabbalah

Kabbalah, or Qabbalah, is a system of esoteric knowledge rooted in Jewish mystical tradition, developed during the Middle Ages but with origins tracing back to ancient texts like the Zohar. It provides a symbolic map for understanding creation, the universe, and the interaction between humanity and the divine. In a modern context, Kabbalah is often used as a universal tool for expanding awareness and achieving spiritual growth.

The Tree of Life: A Universal Symbol

Structure of the Tree of Life

At the heart of Kabbalah lies the Tree of Life, a graphical representation comprising ten Sephirot (spheres) and twenty-two paths connecting them. The Sephirot represent divine and archetypal aspects, such as Wisdom (Chokmah), Beauty (Tiferet), and Kingdom (Malkuth), while the paths reflect the flow of cosmic energy connecting them.

Symbolism and Meaning

The Tree of Life is not just a metaphysical representation but also a guide for inner exploration. Each Sephira represents a state of consciousness, and the journey between them is seen as a path toward union with the divine, culminating in a return to the Source.

Applications in Spiritual Life

The Tree is also a map for understanding duality and unity, allowing the integration of the divine into daily life. Through meditation on the Tree, one can gain insights into their purpose and their connection to the universe.

Connections to Esoteric Knowledge


Kabbalah and alchemy share many symbols and principles, such as the process of transmutation that reflects the journey from raw matter to spiritual perfection. The Sephirot can be viewed as stages of this alchemical process.


The Sephirot and the paths of the Tree of Life are correlated with planets and zodiac signs. This interconnection allows the integration of astrological teachings into the Kabbalistic path, offering a holistic view of cosmic influence.


The twenty-two paths of the Tree correspond to the Major Arcana of the Tarot, creating a bridge between the symbolic language of the Tarot and the Kabbalistic system. Working with both systems can reveal profound insights into the initiatic journey.

Kabbalistic Practices and Meditations


One of the fundamental practices is meditating on the Sephirot, visualizing them as spheres of light that illuminate the inner path. This exercise helps awaken latent energies and deepen the connection to one’s spiritual purpose.

Mantras and Hebrew Letters

Each Sephira is associated with sacred Hebrew letters and specific mantras. The vibrational power of these letters can be used to harmonize energy and access higher states of consciousness.

The Initiatic Path

Through consistent practice and exploration of the Sephirot, Kabbalah offers a path to navigate life’s challenges with greater awareness and wisdom, recognizing each experience as part of the evolutionary journey.

The Role of Kabbalah in the Initiatic Path

Kabbalah is not just an intellectual discipline but an experiential journey. Through the Tree of Life, the initiate learns to recognize and transcend their limitations, awakening the divine potential within. This process leads to profound inner transformation, culminating in the integration of mind, body, and spirit.

Activation of Potential 12 Stranded DNA

According to ancient knowledge, human DNA is not limited to the two physical strands known to modern science but includes up to 12-48 “angelic” or “eternal” strands. These represent a multidimensional matrix that, once activated, allows the human being to return to their original divine blueprint.

The activation of Potential DNA occurs through:

  • Sacred Sounds and Symbols: Each mantra or psonn is associated with specific vibrations that activate dormant parts of DNA and the energy field.
  • Visualization Techniques: Guided meditations and visualizations help integrate these frequencies into the physical and energetic body.
  • Pineal Optical Induction: Focusing on sacred symbols to activate them on a cellular and vibrational level.
  • Solar Synthesis: Using morning sunlight combined with mantras to activate healing and rebalancing processes.

The Twelve Celestial Tribes and the Tree of Life

The Twelve Celestial Tribes represent ancestral archetypes of humanity, each carrying specific spiritual, genetic, and vibrational qualities. These tribes, said to have been created in alignment with an original divine plan, can be directly linked to the ten sefirot of the Tree of Life and the energetic connections between them.

  1. Tribe-1 (Isutu-Esheau): Linked to Malkhut (Kingdom), this tribe is deeply rooted in the Earth and represents the physical connection to the material world. Their psonn, TE’ Wha Na’hA Vu-Sa ta, helps rebalance the elements and strengthen the bond with Earth energy.

  2. Tribe-2 (Maahali-Bruea): Connected to Yesod (Foundation), this tribe serves as a bridge between the material and spiritual worlds. Their psonn, Ra-Ma’a, facilitates the dematerialization of distorted energies to prepare for access to higher frequencies.

  3. Tribe-3 (Amekasan-Etur): Associated with Hod (Glory), they bring ancient knowledge and wisdom from Atlantis. Their psonn, Um-Aah-UN, is a tool to connect with the primordial vibrations of creation.

  4. Tribe-4 (Nuagu Hali): Linked to Netzach (Victory), this tribe is the guardian of perseverance and harmony between worlds. Their mantra, Ka-Ra-Ya-Sa-Ta-Ha-La, represents the tones of physical creation.

  5. Tribe-5 (Ionatu-Etilah): Connected to Tiferet (Beauty), this tribe brings balance and harmony. Their psonn, High Vecas and Eckas, facilitates alignment with the divine plan and the embodiment of the Ascended Master Self.

  6. Tribe-6 (Ramyana-Shridveta): Linked to Gevurah (Justice), this tribe represents strength and spiritual power. Their psonn, Psonn of Aurora, amplifies frequencies for strengthening the eternal body.

  7. Tribe-7 (Mahat-Agrah): Associated with Chesed (Mercy), this tribe brings unconditional love and connection to sacred water. Their mantra, Ou-DhA-YhaN, harmonizes the energies of water.

  8. Tribe-8 (Zhun Zan La-Ying): Connected to Binah (Understanding), they bring meditative wisdom. Their psonn, Um-Ma-Ta, is dedicated to activating the Eternal Spirit Body.

  9. Tribe-9 (Yun Zu-Xen): Linked to Chokhmah (Wisdom), they represent multidimensional knowledge. Their psonn, DE-AY-OH, facilitates energetic and spiritual fusion.

  10. Tribe-10 (Ma’ah-hu-ta): Associated with Keter (Crown), this tribe represents direct connection to the Source. Their mantra, Um-Teu’a-SU’an, transmits power and freedom.

  11. Tribe-11 (Zephar-Duun-Atu): Balanced between Binah and Chokhmah, this tribe embodies the Grail lineage. Their psonn, Invocation of the Maharata/Avatar (Psonn of Lyra), invites the Maharic Shield and energetic protection.

  1. Tribe-12 (A-reah-Azurta): Linked to Da’at (Knowledge), the invisible point of the Tree of Life, they represent the bridge between the visible and the invisible. Their psonn, Psonn of Total Reunification, completes the spiritual journey, bringing everything back to Unity.


The Tree of Life and the Kabbalah, intertwined with the knowledge of the Twelve Celestial Tribes and their sacred psonn, offer an extraordinary map for exploring multidimensionality. Each tribe and psonn represents a step toward unity with the Source, taking us beyond ordinary perception into cosmic wisdom. Through these practices, we can reconnect with our divine blueprint and live as fully realized expressions of the Source Consciousness Field.

If you want to deepen your knowledge of Hermetic teachings, we recommend visiting the Hermetic Academy:, a trusted resource for exploring the wisdom of the Hermetic tradition.

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