For the first ones, it will be more difficult, and so the first ones will be supported by us, so that they themselves can then help others in this process of ascension.

Free Transmissions | ENG & ITA

Receive Free Transmissions

Receiving free transmissions is a great way to start opening yourself up to energy—no cost, no fear, and no expectations!

These energy transmissions are designed to help you connect with universal energy, begin your self-realization journey, and improve the energetic flow within your body and auric field.

How to Access

You can find the free transmissions on my YouTube channel.
Download the YouTube app on your phone and subscribe to the channel @andromedaascension to receive updates on new monthly transmissions.

How to Prepare for Transmissions

  1. Find a quiet space: Sit in meditation or lie down comfortably.
  2. Stay relaxed: It doesn’t matter if you fall asleep during the transmission; what matters is your intention to receive.
  3. Be present: Focus on your body, sensing the energy flowing in and around you.
  4. Keep your mind and heart open: If your mind starts to wander or judge, gently bring your focus back to the present moment.

Benefits of Transmissions

  • Greater openness to energy flows.
  • Release of emotional and energetic blockages.
  • Increased inner well-being and mental clarity.
  • Deeper connection with your higher self.
  • Preparation for more intense energy sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I listen to the transmissions multiple times?
Absolutely! Since these activations are lighter than traditional ones, you can listen to them even every night to amplify their effects.

2. What happens if I fall asleep during the transmission?
No problem at all. The energy works regardless; your intention to receive is what matters most.

3. Do I need prior meditation experience?
No, the transmissions are suitable for everyone, even beginners.

4. Could I experience Kundalini activation during a free transmission?
Yes, this is possible. Free transmissions can facilitate Kundalini energy activation, although its manifestation depends on your energetic readiness and current state.
To learn more about Kundalini energy and its process, visit this page: Kundalini Energy Awakening & Safety.

5. I don’t understand some of the words being spoken. What language is this?
The words you hear during the transmissions belong to Light Language. This is not a traditional language but a form of multidimensional communication that bypasses the rational mind to connect directly with the heart and soul.
Light Language consists of sounds, tones, symbols, and gestures that transmit energy, healing frequencies, and encoded information. You don’t need to understand it rationally to benefit from it—your energy field and subconscious recognize what you need.
To learn more about Light Language, visit this dedicated page: What is Light Language?.

6. During the transmission, I entered a trance state. What happened?
Entering a trance state during a transmission is a common and entirely natural experience. This occurs because your conscious mind relaxes, allowing your subconscious to open and directly receive energetic frequencies and information.
In essence, you’ve entered a hypnotic state—a deep relaxation that facilitates the release of emotional blockages, reception of insights, and connection with your inner self. This state is highly beneficial for your self-realization and spiritual growth.
To learn more about trance and the benefits of hypnosis, visit this page: Hypnosis: Benefits, Uses & FAQ.

7. During the transmission, I felt energies and presences. Who was in the room with me?
This is a common and wonderful experience during energy transmissions. When you enter a hypnotic state, your connection to other dimensions intensifies, and your ability to perceive presences and energies becomes significantly enhanced.
In other dimensions, we all have a “team” of non-human intelligences—spirit guides, star families, and other benevolent entities—who are present to support us during our activation and awakening process. These presences accompany you with love and wisdom, helping you integrate energies and advance on your evolutionary journey.
To learn more about who might be part of your multidimensional team and the concept of Starseeds, visit this page: Determine if You Are a Starseed.

8. How can I support you?
The transmissions on YouTube are ad-free (I receive no compensation). If you find them beneficial and wish to support me, you can make a donation using the links below.

Support Me

If you feel you’ve benefited from the transmissions and wish to support me, I thank you wholeheartedly for your generosity. You can find donation links below:

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